Guide to work on an effective pitch deck for investors

A guide to work on an effective pitch deck for investors

An attractive pitch deck is crucial to convincing investors.

It captures attention, communicates ideas clearly and reinforces the credibility of the project.

A visually striking presentation increases the chances of success when seeking funding.

Here’s how to do it, with a few tips to follow but above all to personalise.

Choose the right pitch deck format.

In a world where image is king, the design of a website or brochure must be carefully thought through.

The challenge is to capture the public’s attention while conveying a clear, professional message.

Opting for a sober, elegant design may seem counter-intuitive in a digital landscape saturated with bright colours and exaggerated graphics.

However, simplicity is often synonymous with effectiveness.

By choosing a minimalist design, you allow your content to shine without being overshadowed by superfluous elements.

Defining the structure of your pitch deck

To ensure the impact of your pitch deck, break it down into clear, concise sections.

Start by clearly stating the problem your product or service solves.

Next, present your value proposition succinctly and convincingly.

Then describe your target market, followed by a concise explanation of your business model.

Highlight your team and its relevant skills.

Relevant content to engage your audience

To captivate your audience during a pitch deck presentation, use short, punchy sentences.

Highlight your competitive advantages in a concise and convincing way.

Avoid long, complex speeches that risk losing your audience’s attention.

Instead, highlight what sets you apart from your competitors in a clear and memorable way.

Direct, impactful phrases will enable your audience to quickly grasp the strong points of your value proposition.

Seek to engage them in your project from the very first minutes of your presentation, with a powerful hook.


Guide pour préparer un pitch deck efficace - Goweez article


Take care with your oral presentation, using performative sentences !

The fluidity of your speech is essential.

Prepare yourself by rehearsing your presentation in front of a class or with your partners and friends.

A fluid speech reinforces the credibility of your project and maintains the interest of your audience.

Avoid hesitation and repetition.

By combining a well-structured pitch deck with a well-prepared speech, you maximise your chances of effectively convincing investors.

Reviewing and fine-tuning your pitch deck

Proofread carefully to eliminate any mistakes and make sure each slide is relevant.

Submit your pitch deck to to be selected to pitch to our investors.


At GOWeeZ, we support companies in their pitch challenges with MY PITCH IS GOOD.

Would you like us to help you with a strategic innovation project, the development of AI-based architecture or pitching to fund-raising?

Feel free to contact us

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Article written by Fabrice Clément

Advisor in the art of the Pitch - Reveal your public speaking skills with GOWeeZ. and MY PITCH IS GOOD!

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