Artificial Intelligence and New Customer Experiences

Challenge the status quo and identify new methods and uses.

GOWeeZ collaborates with you in the strategic analysis of your vision for new digital levers and channels.

We work with you on creating and developing new customer experiences. We aim to improve your customer’s empathy towards your brand by addressing friction points throughout the entire customer acquisition channel.

Defining your Data Governance

Data Legacy and Data Catalog in line with responsible data management.

Define the architectures to meet future developments. Setting up a roadmap towards new data consumption patterns. Forward-looking and visionary approach to emerging data uses. We assist you in anticipating tomorrow’s game-changers.

We provide expert guidance in tackling these complex and strategic challenges.

Where is my data - behind you 

We partner with you in your data-driven considerations for your customer touchpoints and journeys. This includes integrating current and future payment methods. Securing and authenticating purchase journeys, as well as exploring authentication methods on the blockchain.

GOWeeZ has worked on numerous projects and companies in the development of proof of concepts (POCs), with a focus on optimizing digital channels for a “Phygitale” (Physical + Digital) experience.

Creating e-commerce websites, developing Minimum Viable Products (MVPs), and conducting Proof of Concepts (POCs).

Discover our articles and case studies


Data governance

Gathering needs, Analysis of the existing system, Flow mapping

Assistance with decision-making, Roadmap, Strategy Implementation

Data Quality, Structuring, Data Legacy

IT Systems, Data Urbanization

Data Marketing, Automation

Migration, Data Management Platform (DMP), Data Warehouse, Data Lake

Digitalization of processes, identification of friction points, optimization of customer journeys

Customer journeys, e-commerce, Search Experience Optimization (SXO)

Systems interoperability, API development

Benchmarking, Identification of technical solutions, Omnichannel system

Iteration cycle, Lean & Agile method, QuickWin

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning
GOWeeZ - article Développer sa marque à l'international avant de croitre en local, La cas d'école de la marque française de skincare Onérique

Develop your brand internationally before growing locally, the case study of French skincare brand Onérique,

MY PITCH IS GOOD interview with Glorimar Primera. Find out how Onérique, a French skincare brand, has expanded internationally with made in France products. A textbook case that goes against what we generally see in the strategic development of companies.
GOWeeZ article - Episode 1 - Startup valuation - comparable method

The comparable method, one of several methods for calculating start-up valuations

The comparables method involves valuing a start-up by comparing its characteristics with those of similar companies that have recently been traded. Simply put, if a technology start-up has annual sales of €1 million and similar companies have sold for a multiple of 5 times. But it's not that simple...
Visuel article GOWeeZ pour Rheelaxx - semelle inovante - Xavier Fresnel

MY PITCH IS GOOD by Xavier Fresnel, the inventor of Rheelaxx, an innovative insole to relieve plantar fasciitis.

Rheelaxx won a silver medal at the Lépine competition at the 2024 Paris trade fair. A unique insole that relieves heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis. Rheelaxx provides instant relief because its aim is to increase the support surface, thereby reducing pressure.
Visuel Article GOWeeZ - Présentation MY PITCH IS GOOD de la société EsCoBe

EsCoBe, the app that’s revolutionising the beauty sector

GOWeeZ presents EsCoBe, an innovative mobile application that aims to bring together players in the beauty sector, including aesthetics, hairdressing and well-being. Bringing together employees, freelancers and shop managers, EsCoBe addresses two major issues: recruitment and space optimisation.
Article GOWEEZ - Gestion des risques en entreprise avec Aléa Prévention

Corporate risk management, Aléa Prévention, a simple and intuitive SaaS solution for regulatory peace of mind

MY PITCH IS GOOD interview with Pascal Provo. Find out how Aléa Prévention, publisher of an innovative Cloud solution, supports companies and organisations in risk prevention and regulatory compliance, Papripact, Duerp, ...
GOWeeZ, article intérêt de travailler avec des family offices

Family offices and investment for wealthy families.

A family office is a private organisation that offers advisory and wealth management services to one or more wealthy families. GOWeeZ maintains relationships with some of these family offices, particularly those that are invited by their clients to invest in new entrepreneurial projects.